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St. Mary's P.S. Draperstown

“Learning, Caring and Sharing Together”

P.6 Mr Scullion


Monday - Thursday: On-going spelling skills and tables


Monday:      Written Literacy/Comprehension Skills

                     Written Numeracy Activity



Tuesday:      Written Literacy/Grammar Skills

                      Written Numeracy Activity



Wednesday:  Spelling/Spelling Activity

                       Written Numeracy Activity



Thursday:     Reading

                      Revision of spellings and tables for Friday Assessment


Other on-going activities include:

  • ICT research/word processing/re-drafting
  • Planning and preparation for presentations/assemblies




Primary Six Remember Madiba


Following the death of Nelson Mandela, the Pupils of Primary 6 completed a project on his extraordinary life.  Using a wide range of sources such as library books, newspaper reports, television documentaries, and even an interview with a South African, the pupils each produced a scrap book of Nelson Mandela's life story.  Should you have a question about Mandela, feel free to ask any Primary 6 pupil.

The 'Fit-Factor'

As part of our 'Healthy Living' topic, Primary Six performed the 'Fit Factor' for their parents and the school.  We practised our routines daily and investigated the changes in our body following exercise.  We now understand how exercise leads to a rise in our pulse rate and know how it can be beneficial to our health.  From our photos you can see how much we enjoyed ourselves.

How To Load A Boat

During our Topic work, we investigated the problems the Vikings might incur when loading cargo onto their boats.  We planned and conducted an experiment to investigate how we could increase the amount of marbles that our boats could hold.  From this we have learned that an object will float if the forces acting on it are balanced.
Above is an example of a boat by one group who decided to use lolli-pop sticks to make compartments in the bottom of the boat.  Thus, when loading their cargo, they could spread it evenly in the boat.  This kept the boat balanced and enabled a lot more cargo to be loaded, 154 marbles as opposed to 38 when we completed the control test.

Making a Splash

Well done to all pupils for their magnificent progress during swimming lessons at Magherafelt swimming pool.  We'd like to say a big thank-you to swim instructor Bernie Gribbin for her expert coaching.

