P4/P5 Mrs McCartney
Easter Draw Winners
Congratulations! Hope everyone enjoys the holidays. Keep safe!!
Anti-bullying Assembly
Many congratulations on the wonderful assembly carried out by all the pupils in the Year Four and Five classes.Our drama explained clearly what Bullying is and what we should do if we are being bullied in or outside of school.
Year 4 and 5 classes Trip To Tescos
The pupils thoroughly enjoyed their Farm to Fork Trail.They got the opportunity to sample breads, ham and various cheeses. They also explored the stores and fridges in the supermarket , visited the deli, made their own sandwiches and sourced the origin countries of various fruit and vegetables.
World Book Day Celebrations in P4/P5
Congratulations to all the pupils who took part in our competitions.P4 created beautiful bookmarks and the P5 pupils designed their own book tokens. Well done to our P5 boys- Alfie, Dannin, Seweryn, Dawid and Matthew for their role in the P5 assembly to celebrate World Book Day. They definitely got the message across on the importance of reading.

Sacrament of Penance
Many congratulations to all the P4 pupils in Mrs Mc Cartney and Mrs Conville's classes who made their First Confession on Tuesday 28th of February. The pupils prepared very well for this special Sacrament at home and in school. Father Madden presented the pupils with beautiful certificates and new books to help the puplis prepare for First Holy Communion which will take place on Saturday the 20th of May. Well done boys and girls!

Sponsored dance-grand total!
The grand total for our class was £608.07. Many thanks to everyone again for the great support .The children had great fun dancing for charity and sharing their dancing skills!
A big thank-you!
Many thanks to all our parents and friends of St. Mary's P.S who have sponsored our class to dance for our Christmas charity appeal. So far we have raised an amazing £439.15. WELL DONE!
Class Target-Spelling!
In P4/P5 one of our class targets is to improve our spellings. We have been using different activities at home and in school to help us. Keep up the great effort everyone!
Practical Child Pedestrian
Safety Training
Congratulations to P4/P5. James, our Road Safety Officer was very impressed with our knowledge of the Green Cross Code.
Halloween Antics
Congratulations to all P4 and P5 who performed so well. A great morning was enjoyed by all!
Halloween Draw
Congratulations to the three winners in our class!
Practical Maths
Subtracting using decomposition
We loved using the tens and units to help us subtract!
Maths Week in
St Mary's
Autumn Time
Minibeast Hunt
Mrs Mc Cartney and Mrs Conville's classes had great fun searching for minibeasts together in the school garden and in Susan's Trail. There was great group work, co-operation and fantastic enthusiasm. Well done to all the pupils involved!
European Day Of Languages
Many thanks to all those who took part! It was a super celebration!