A warm welcome to our website. It offers a flavour of the unique spirit and learning culture of our creative and vibrant school.
At St. Mary's we are renowned for the warm, authentic relationships we nurture with our children and families. We take time to get to know each other and strive to meet the needs of every child entrusted to our care. Fundamentally, the school seeks to complement the home. We support individuality and develop talents. We work together to provide a challenging, engaging and supportive place to work and learn. We are continuously looking to find new ways to enhance the positive climate for learning, which defines the progressive culture of our school.
The children have a clear voice in the life of our school. As a Rights Respecting School, the UNCRC underpins our core values and Mission Statement of Learning, Caring and Sharing Together.
We have high expectations of our pupils and staff. We celebrate perseverance, resilience and risk taking. Our children learn to welcome challenges and understand that mistakes are opportunities for learning.
We are at the forefront of e-learning. Our recent work on Remote and Blended Learning has been held up as an example of good practice across Northern Ireland.
Clear lines of communication are embedded in the daily life of our school. We have strong links with our parents and our local community. We firmly believe that confidence in a school comes from knowing and understanding what's happening within it. We value our strong parental partnerships and we continue to move forward together to be the best we can be.
We look froward to hearing from you, working with you and continuing our learning journey together.
Corinne Coyle B.Ed (Hons), PQH (NI)
St. Mary's P.S. Draperstown
Autism Impact Award 2024
Cumann na mBunscol Double
Cross Country Champions 2023
Investors in Mental Health 2022
UK Active School Hero 2022
Sustrans Bronze School Mark 2021
Primary Science Quality Mark 2020
Forest School 2019
Sentinus Young Innovators 2019
Scór Champions 2018/19
Best Kept School in Northern Ireland 2018
Ulster Camogie Champions 2018
Rights Respecting School
Eco-Ambassador School
Fourth Green Flag
Mid-Ulster Eco-Speak Champion
Anti-Bullying Ambassador School
Best Kept School in NE Area 2019, 2018, 2017
NISCA Best Primary School in N.I.
Action Cancer Health Action Award
St. Mary's is a vibrant school of 190 children in the parish of Ballinascreen. You will find us nestled at the foot of the Sperrins, in County Derry. We opened our doors in 1962 and continue a great tradition of learning in Draperstown. We value the development of skills and the qualities that encourage independence, sensitivity and an awareness of the needs of others. Our Catholic faith permeates all aspects of school life.
We will be sharing important information, examples of good practice and exciting events going on in the school. We know that you will enjoy your visit to our website. Please feel free to contact the school with any queries you may have.
50th Anniversary Celebrations
Goodbye and Good luck
Our Awards